F Psalm 115, Chant A

Chant A


Psalm 115   Non nobis, Domine

1 Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your Name give glo-ry; *
because of your love and because of your faith-fulness.

2 Why should the heathen say, *
“Where then is their God?”

3 Our God is in hea-ven; *
whatever she wills to do she does.

4 Their idols are silver and gold, *
the work of hu-man hands.

Chant A

5 They have mouths, but they cannot speak; *
eyes have they, but they can-not see;

6 They have ears but they cannot hear; *
noses, but they can-not smell;

7 They have hands, but they cannot feel; feet, but they cannot walk; *
they make no sound with their throat.

8 Those who make them are like them, *
and so are all who put their trust in them.

Chant A

9 O Israel, trust in the LORD; *
she is their help and their shield.

10 O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD; *
she is their help and their shield.

11 You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD; *
she is their help and their shield.

12 The LORD has been mindful of us, and she will bless us; *
she will bless the house of Israel; she will bless the house of Aa-ron;

Chant A

13 She will bless those who fear the LORD, *
both small and great to-ge-ther.

14 May the LORD increase you more and more, *
you and your child-ren af-ter you.

15 May you be blessed by the LORD, *
the maker of heaven and earth.

16 The heaven of heavens is the LORD’S, *
but she entrusted the earth to its peo-ples.

Chant A

17 The dead do not praise the LORD, *
nor all those who go down in-to si-lence;

18 But we will bless the LORD, *
from this time forth for evermore. Hal-le-lu-jah!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spir-it: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men.