Psalm 129 Saepe expugnaverunt
1 “Greatly have they oppressed me since my youth,” *
let Isra-el now say;
2 “Greatly have they oppressed me since my youth, *
but they have not pre-vailed a-gainst me.”
3 The plowmen plowed upon my back *
and made their fur-rows long.
4 The LORD, the Right–eous One, *
has cut the cords of the wic-ked.
5 Let them be put to shame and thrown back, *
all those who are ene-mies of Zi-on.
6 Let them be like grass upon the house-tops, *
which withers before it can be plucked;
7 Which does not fill the hand of the rea-per, *
nor the bosom of her who binds the sheaves;
8 So that those who go by say not so much as, “The LORD pro–sper you. *
We wish you well in the Name of the LORD.”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spir-it: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men.