F Psalm 109:1-4, 20-30, Chant A

Chant A


Psalm 109   Deus, laudem

1 Hold not your tongue, O God of my praise; *
for the mouth of the wicked, the mouth of the deceitful, is o-pened a-gainst me.

2 They speak to me with a lying tongue; *
they encompass me with hateful words and fight against me with-out a cause.

3 Despite my love, they ac-cuse me; *
but as for me, I pray for them.

4 They repay evil for good, *
and hatred for my love.

Chant A

20 But you, O Lord my God, oh, deal with me according  to your Name; *
for your tender mercy’s sake, de-li-ver me.

21 For I am poor and need-y, *
and my heart is wound-ed with-in me.

22 I have faded away like a shadow when it leng-thens; *
I am shaken off like a lo-cust.

23 My knees are weak through fast-ing, *
and my flesh is was-ted and gaunt.

Chant A

24 I have become a re-proach to them; *
they see and shake their heads.

25 Help me, O LORD my God; *
save me for your mer-cy’s sake.

26 Let them know that this is your hand, *
that you, O LORD, have done it.

27 They may curse, but you will bless; *
let those who rise up against me be put to shame, and your servant will re-joice.

Chant A

28 Let my accusers be clothed with dis-grace *
and wrap themselves in their shame as in a cloak.

29 I will give great thanks to the LORD with my mouth; *
in the midst of the multitude will I praise her;

30 Because she stands at the right hand of the need-y, *
to save her life from those who would con-demn her.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spir-it: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men.

Chant A