Psalm 116 Dilexi, quoniam
1 I love the LORD, because she has heard the voice of my sup-pli-ca-tion, *
because she has inclined her ear to me whenever I called up-on her.
2 The cords of death entangled me; the grip of the grave took hold of me; *
I came to grief and sor-row.
3 Then I called upon the Name of the LORD: *
“O LORD, I pray you, save my life.”
4 Gracious is the LORD and right-eous; *
our God is full of com-pas-sion.
5 The LORD watches over the in-nocent; *
I was brought very low, and she helped me.
6 Turn again to your rest, O my soul. *
for the LORD has trea-ted you well.
7 For you have rescued my life from death, *
my eyes from tears, and my feet from stum-bling.
8 I will walk in the presence of the LORD *
in the land of the li-ving.
9 I believed, even when I said, “I have been brought ve-ry low.” *
In my distress I said, “No one can be trust-ed.”
10 How shall I repay the LORD *
for all the good things she has done for me?
11 I will lift up the cup of sal-va-tion *
and call upon the Name of the LORD.
12 I will fulfill my vows to the LORD *
in the presence of all her peo-ple.
13 Precious in the sight of the LORD *
is the death of her ser-vants.
14 O LORD, I am your ser-vant; *
I am your servant and the child of your handmaid; you have freed me from my bonds.
15 I will offer you the sacrifice of thanks-giv-ing *
and call upon the Name of the LORD.
16 I will fulfill my vows to the LORD *
in the presence of all her peo-ple,
17 In the courts of the LORD’S house, *
in the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Hal-le-lu-jah!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spir-it: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men.