Psalm 93 Dominus regnavit
1 The LORD is King; she has put on splendid ap-pa-rel; *
the LORD has put on her apparel and girded herself with strength.
2 She has made the whole world so sure *
that it cannot be moved;
3 Ever since the world began, your throne has been es-ta-blished; *
you are from e-ver-last-ing.
4 The waters have lifted up, O LORD, the waters have lifted up their voice; *
the waters have lifted up their pound-ing waves.
5 Mightier than the sound of many waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea, *
mightier is the LORD who dwells on high.
6 Your testimonies are ve-ry sure, *
and holiness adorns your house, O LORD, for ever and for e-ver-more.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spir-it:*
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. A-men.