F Psalm 148, Chant C

Chant C


Psalm 148   Laudate Dominum

1 Hallelujah! Praise the LORD from the hea-vens; *
praise her in the heights.

2 Praise her, all you an-gels of hers; *
praise her, all her host.

3 Praise her, sun and moon; *
praise her, all you shin-ing stars.

4 Praise her, heaven of hea-vens, *
and you waters a-bove the hea-vens.

Chant C

5 Let them praise the Name of the LORD; *
for she commanded, and they were cre-a-ted.

6 She made them stand fast for ever and ev-er; *
she gave them a law which shall not pass a-way.

7 Praise the LORD from the earth, *
you sea-monsters and all deeps;

8 Fire and hail, snow and fog, *
tempestuous wind, doing her will;

Chant C

9 Mountains and all hills, *
fruit trees and all ce-dars;

10 Wild beasts and all cat-tle, *
creeping things and wing-ed birds;

11 Kings of the earth and all peo-ples, *
princes and all rulers of the world;

12 Young men and maid-ens, *
old and young to-ge-ther.

Chant C

13 Let them praise the Name of the LORD, *
for her Name only is exalted, her splendor is over earth and hea-ven.

14 She has raised up strength for her people and praise for all her loy-al ser-vants, *
the children of Israel, a people who are near her. Hal-le-lu-jah!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spir-it: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men.