Psalm 7 Domine, Deus meus
1 O LORD my God, I take re-fuge in you; *
save and deliver me from all who pur-sue me ;
2 Lest like a lion they tear me in pie-ces *
and snatch me away with none to de-li-ver me.
3 O LORD my God, if I have done these things: *
if there is any wickedness in my hands ,
4 If I have repaid my friend with ev-il, *
or plundered her who without cause is my en-emy;
5 Then let my enemy pursue and o-ver-take me, *
trample my life into the ground, and lay my honor in the dust .
6 Stand up, O LORD, in your wrath; *
rise up against the fury of my en-emies.
7 Awake, O my God, de-cree jus-tice; *
let the assembly of the peoples ga-ther round you.
8 Be seated on your lofty throne, O Most High; *
O LORD, judge the na-tions.
9 Give judgment for me according to my righteous-ness, O LORD, *
and according to my innocence, O Most High.
10 Let the malice of the wicked come to an end, but establish the right-eous; *
for you test the mind and heart, O right-eous God.
11 God is my shield and de-fense; *
she is the savior of the true in heart .
12 God is a right-eous judge; *
God sits in judgment ev-ery day.
13 If they will not repent, God will whet her sword; *
she will bend her bow and make it rea-dy.
14 She has prepared her weapons of death; *
she makes her arrows shafts of fire.
15 Look at those who are in labor with wic-kedness, *
who conceive evil, and give birth to a lie .
16 They dig a pit and make it deep *
and fall into the hole that they have made.
17 Their malice turns back upon their own head; *
their violence falls on their own scalp.
18 I will bear witness that the LORD is right-eous; *
I will praise the Name of the LORD Most High.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spir-it: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men.