F Psalm 65, Chant A

Chant A


Psalm 65   Te decet hymnus

1 You are to be praised, O God, in Zi-on; *
to you shall vows be performed in Je-ru-salem.

2 To you that hear prayer shall all flesh come, *
because of their trans-gress-sions.

3 Our sins are stronger than we are, *
but you will blot them out.

4 Happy are they whom you choose and draw to your courts to dwell there! *
they will be satisfied by the beauty of your house, by the holiness of your tem-ple.

Chant A

5 Awesome things will you show us in your righteousness, O God of our sal-va-tion,*
O Hope of all the ends of the earth and of the seas that are far a-way.

6 You make fast the mountains by your pow-er; *
they are girded a-bout with might.

7 You still the roaring of the seas, *
the roaring of their waves, and the clamor of the peo-ples.

8 Those who dwell at the ends of the earth will tremble at your marvelous signs; *
you make the dawn and the dusk to sing for joy.

Chant A

9 You visit the earth and water it abundantly; you make it very plen-teous; *
the river of God is full of wa-ter.

10 You prepare the grain, *
for so you provide for the earth.

11 You drench the furrows and smooth out the ri-dges; *
with heavy rain you soften the ground and bless its in-crease.

12 You crown the year with your good-ness, *
and your paths over-flow with plen-ty.

Chant A

13 May the fields of the wilderness be rich for gra-zing, *
and the hills be clothed with joy.

14 May the meadows cover themselves with flocks, and the valleys cloak themselves with grain; *
let them shout for joy and sing.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spir-it: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men