Psalm 11 In Domino confido
1 In the LORD have I ta-ken re-fuge; *
how then can you say to me, “Fly away like a bird to the hill-top;
2 For see how the wicked bend the bow and fit their arrows to the string, *
to shoot from ambush at the true of heart.
3 When the foundations are be-ing de-stroyed, *
what can the right-eous do?”
4 The LORD is in his ho-ly tem-ple; *
the LORD’S throne is in hea-ven.
5 His eyes behold the inha-bit-ed world; *
his piercing eye weighs our worth.
6 The LORD weighs the righteous as well as the wic-ked, *
but those who delight in violence he a-bhors.
7 Upon the wicked he shall rain coals of fire and burn-ing sul-phur; *
a scorching wind shall be their lot.
8 For the LORD is righteous; he delights in right-eous deeds; *
and the just shall see his face.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spir-it: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men.